Sandro Cortese & Takbiran Night

alhamdulillah, we, Moslems, finally reached our reward after being a better person in one month and that day is called Idul Fitri. well, this is the day when Moslems are believed becoming as pure from sins as the baby born, so that's why it's called Fitri. anyway, this is the night of Idul Fitri, and we call it Malam Takbiran or Takbiran Night. it's when people in mosque keep pealing takbir (allahu akbar) along the night. usually, they also lit some beautiful fireworks, with other people in houses. I always spend the night in my house, doing something every year. but usually, I just sleep earlier to prepare for the next morning to pray Sholat Idul Fitri together in Mosque. most of Indonesian people celebrate Idul Fitri by visiting siblings' houses or called as Silaturrahmi, with cookies, and special dishes named Chicken Opor and other meals made of coconut milk. everything is really spicy and delicious. it's fixed, my stomach gets bigger after Idul Fitri -_-

just before Takbiran Night, I finally completed another sketch of famous rider this morning. it's 2012 Moto3 World Champion, Sandro Cortese! finally after being so confused of sketching which rider I finally chose him and thank God it's done beautifully. and this is the result!

big smile, huh? I picked from his twitter's avatar

haha I know it's done beautifully, and I know he's super cute, but I don't know why it turns out over cute and he almost looks like a girl :/ don't you think? anyway I'm kinda proud of it cause after seeing my sketches I see some improvement (check my Paint & Sketch Gallery for complete collections) and after having it done I was really planning to tweet the sketch to Sandro (@Sandrissimo11) and hoping that he would see the sketch, and.. I don't know.. maybe retweet it or favorite it :''') please, Sandro, respond to my tweet hehe. I like him because he's a fully-determined-person and also very persevere and kinda stubborn haha it makes him really cute, and I know it's weird, but I like his unique-black-hair haha I just think that Germans are kindly rare having black dark hair like Sandro so that's what makes him so special. anyway! I didn't believe what I saw when I checked my phone to open twitter...

it's Sandro retweeted and favorited my sketch!! thank God, ya Allah, I couldn't believe what I saw hahahahaha I was so happy and thrilled and feeling awesome! my sketch of himself was kindly seen by him and I considered it as an appreciation from him :'') I hope that he also saved the sketch hehe. thank you, Sandro, I was really happy to see this and I will never forget it. thank you for making my day and this is Ramadhan's Blessings! but the typo really frustrated me out a while though haha it was really embarassing hahaha


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