Student Executive Board

finally I post something about an organization that I take in my faculty. this is the main Students' Board in my faculty. in Indonesia it's actually called as BEM or Badan Eksekutif Mahasiswa, but in English is as you see in the title. visually it looks like student board in high school, only, more organized and more tasks to do and carry. this year of stewardship of BEM is lead by Ryandika. being in a faculty's official organization is a tough job to carry, especially if you're in a dentistry school. you have to do a daily task from your department, and monthly picket and yearly picket. to do so is really tiring and exhausting, especially if your college tasks also wait for you at home. but, surprisingly, I wasn't that down on doing those tasks. even though I didn't take the organization when I was in High School (except Paskibra which is a semi-organization), I wasn't too shocked after being given those tasks. but it wasn't valid when the examination week had arrived. LOL. anyway enough of the foreword, let me introduce you to my organization generally.
SeniOR Department
well, I skip to The Department instead, haha, well it would be kinda exhausting if I tell you everything about system, or official things about BEM. so, let's spot the department that I'm shaded to. my department is called SeniOR - Seni dan Olah Raga or in English it's named Arts and Sports. without a doubt, I'm absolutely into this department since I knew it the first time I got in this Faculty. as you know, too, I like art so much especially in paintings. my seniors also know about my hobby and potential so they must've put me here or put me nowhere instead, or maybe AiSI (Administration and Information System). I like designing, too, but manually, not with computer such as PhotoShop or Corel Draw, all I can do is drawing with Paint haha, amateur ability. I can't design anything with those, and I know it I should learn this during the holiday. so, basically I wasn't into the requirement yet to be in AiSI bureau. so, continue to SeniOR, as we know from the name of this department, it copes the field of any kinds of sports and arts, but in this case, let me specify: basketball, futsal, badminton, and volley for sports. and dance, vocal group for arts. in this year of stewardship of BEM, SeniOR is lead by Kendy (a junior) and he has men or subordinates to run SeniOR's year programs, they are myself, Elshinta (she's also a junior), Novi, Tia, Fanny, and Rezon (these are my friends -- sophomores). and my department is lead by a Head-Sector named Febia (a senior). these are pictures of my department buddies :D

The SeniORS at the top of my campus builging
Rezon, Elshinta, Fanny, Tia, Novi, me or Kendy

this is when he had a pre-working in Anyer.

panoramic view!

and just today, BEM held a little event named Gathering BEM! this is the 2nd Gathering for this year with theme of Rainbow, in this case every personnel of department or bureau must wear a different color shirt to make a rainbow-like-color, today I wore red. and actually today's event is quite fun. first of all, the event was about evaluating our work progress this half of stewardship. yeah, let's skip this part to the pudding time! today's competition is pudding (I was the one who made the pudding), create, and decorate the pudding as good as possible. well, my department only served a very simple round-chocolate-pudding. with a graffiti written as SeniOR with a smiley made of chocolate fla.  actually, people know how modest we are as a SeniOR Department though, so people will be as informed as they could be ;) (I don't know for sure if it's modest or lazy, haha) these are the photos of our proud pudding.

our chocolate pudding

me with the pudding

after the pudding party, the schedule was about the best steward of this half-of-stewardship-year for every bureau and department! well I never thought that this award would come so fast. my heart was just beating so fast -_- (actually this kind of thing means good for me) and when my department's best steward was announced, they announced my name. like, literally. people clapped their hands for me as I was announced as the best steward of the-half-of-stewardship-year. in fact I was thinking that Novi would be the best steward instead of me. and I was got a gift for this award, yeay. I just cant believe that in my very first organization I could work my butts off well haha. I thought this is worth it, though. thank you :'') and after that before the event was finished, we were given our report card. well, I'm not cumlaude, but my point is just average and not so less. so yeah I think that's okay haha.

le gift, and le report card

this is the gift!!

that's all about my department. I'll post something about BEM's other events too. which means, will be funnier and more delightful than this (^o^v) for more information about this organization, please visit:


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